Category: PowerShell

January 4, 2019 Hanson No comments exist

System Center Orchestrator runbook can run PowerShell Script and WMI query to manage remote computer. PowerShell Remoting depends on Windows Remote Management (WinRM), which is Microsoft’s implementation of the WS-Management (WS-Man) protocol. The protocol relies on HTTP or HTTPS and uses the TCP ports 5985 and 5986, respectively. WS-Management encrypts all PowerShell communication even if…

July 10, 2017 Hanson No comments exist

The PowerShell Active Directory module offers a variety of cmdlets that allow you to remotely manage Active Directory. Many guides exist on the Internet that explain how to install the PowerShell Active Directory module. Unfortunately, I don’t find any guide for Windows Server 2016. I’ve tried the  installation procedures in this article, so you shouldn’t run into…

April 19, 2017 Hanson 1 comment

I was working on a PowerShell/PowerCLI script to build a VMware VM from a template, assign IP address, default gateway, DNS, join it into the domain and install some software. I knew Netsh command can be used to configure IP address, default getaway and DNS servers. I did not remember the details how could I…